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“Sublime is that which the soul cannot avoid” (1)

“It is not labor that gives us culture, but leisure and idleness.” Alexandre Koyré (2)

Les sublimes archive is a work in progress.
Les sublimes archive handles analogue notebooks.
the authors of notebooks retain the copyright to all images/content in this archive.
any requests will be forwarded to the respective authors.
Les sublimes archive is a project conceived by the Arthur Cravan Foundation and Cose Cosmiche.

The “sublimes” were railing against growth and overdevelopment long before the term was coined. Denounced by the Establishment as immoral, these working-class men and women – who put play before work and squirmed relentlessly free of the disciplined factory life – were guilty of no more than espousing the popular view of the age.¹ Inspired by the utopia of the Parisian “Sublime” of 1870 and by this degrowth movement, one of slowing down and sharing ideas in their most “simple” and “embryonic” state, the Arthur Cravan Foundation asked artists, musicians, and writers to put their journals, notebooks, sketchbooks and preparatory materials on view for the public. These notebooks will be published online to form the digital archive, LesSublimes.org.

¹ Serge Latouche, Ellul contro il totalismo tecnico, Jaca Book, 2014

1) Taken freely from Edmund Burke

2) Alexandre Koyré (Dal mondo del pressappoco all’universo della precisione, Einaudi, 2000) cited by Rossella Moratto in “La libertà dell’ozio”, Undo.net, 2015