< HYPERSENSELESS RESIDENCY 2022 – on invitation

Barbara Breitenfellner > 12 – 26 September 2022 (II part)>


Barbara Breitenfellner

IMG_1817IMG_1855 Kopie

Anche se spesso non riusciamo a ricordare ogni notte nella nostra testa produciamo immagini. Un film cinematografico apparentemente incontrollabile. Come possiamo osservare (o anche plasmare) in modo più efficace quelle narrazioni notturne? E cosa ce ne facciamo? more>


Even if we often can’t remember: Every night we produce images in our heads. A seemingly uncontrollable cinema film. How could we stronger observe (or even shape) those nightly narratives? And what would it be for?

Residency Proposal

For the last twenty years, I have been jotting down art-related dreams. My installations are constructions of these nightly recordings. The descriptions of the dreams function often as both work instructions and work titles…more>

30 May – 7 June 2022 (I part) >

images: note from the Barbara Breitenfellner’s dream diary (above) and photo taken during a visit in the Scala Anselmo Theatre Workshops, Milano (below)
