Sound creations inspired by the Universe
24 hour live radio performance of sound, poetry and radio works inspired by the Universe.
INIZIO: domenica 16 dicembre 2018 ore 16.00 (Astro Dance Party: ore 18.30 – 19.00)
FINE: lunedì 17 dicembre 2018 ore 16.00
Fondazione Arthur Cravan
Via Aleardi 11, Milano
Performed by Alan Alpenfelt
In collaborazione con Cose Cosmiche & V XX Zweetz
La compagnia di arti performative V XX ZWEETZ in collaborazione con l’etichetta Human Kind Records ha invitato poeti, artisti e musicisti a inviare dei lavori ispirati all’Universo che saranno trasmessi via web e FM durante una performance radiofonica di 24 ore tra il 16 e il 17 dicembre 2018 a Milano, presso la Fondazione Athur Cravan e grazie al supporto di Cose Cosmiche.
Durante le 24 ore a partire dalle 16.00 di domenica 16 dicembre 2018, lo spazio affacciato su via Aleardi 11 a Milano verrà trasformato in una navicella spaziale in cui un astronauta passerà un giorno immerso nel suono spaziale. Viaggerà attraverso il Sistema Solare incontrando oggetti, lune, pianeti e vari elementi galleggianti che libereranno delle narrazioni sonore. Il pubblico potrà accedere alla navicella liberamente in qualsiasi ora per ascoltare il viaggio insieme a lui. I lavori saranno pubblicati sul sito del progetto, nel programma cartaceo e in uno Space Archive, un sito web che raccoglierà in un archivio in divenire le composizioni musicali e poetiche raccolte nel tempo.
Artisti partecipanti
Tomomi Adachi / Alan Alpenfelt / Giuliana Altamura / Alvax / Ashtoreth & Anja Aerts / Sofía Bertomeu / Vanni Bianconi / Bluenoid / Brandon Boan / Pamela Breda / Dario Buccini / Canary Burton & Marylou Blakeslee / Joan Cambon / Catenation / Claudio Cavalli / Gustavo Chab / Caroline Churchill / CLARA / Canaralien Collective / Athena Corcoran-Tadd / Marc Cosmic / DAGGER MOTH & Marc Ribot / Maroulita De Kol / Gert De Meester / Cláudio de Pina / Marco Dibeltulu / Hazal Döleneken / Abby Donovan / Dr Hanzo / Ducks! / Kaj Duncan David / Giorgio Dursi / Duty / Exotikdot / Jurgen Fonteijn / Chelidon Frame / Nicola Frattegiani / Zeno Gabaglio / Alessandro Gaffuri & Alice Diacono / Alessandro Gambato / Ghosts of Electricity / Ian Gibbins / Gigsta / Penelope Gkika / Mark Goodwin / Jared Green / Guili Guili Goulag / Stelios Hadjithomas / Ursula Häse / Werner Hasler / Juliana Herrero / Kathryn Hummel / Olga Kokcharova / Sara Korošec / Antoine Läng / Dominique LeGendre / Nicole L’Huillier & Daniela Catrineo / Lite Orchestra / LucidBLN / William Memotone / Stephanie Merchak / Alyssa Moxley / Necromishka / Guan Ng Chor / Oikoi / Moggy Ogara / Olga Palomaki / Claudio Parodi / David Alexander Parquier / Georgia Pazarloglou / Mario Pegoraro / Pic Nic Radio / Fred Poulet / prOphecy sun / Rodrigo Quintanilha / Andrew Reddy / George Ridgway / Francesca Ruberto / Pekka Sassi / Katharina Schmidt / SciFiSol / Hannah Silva / Anna Stereopoulou / Syrenomelia / Lorenzo Tamai / Tavishi / Temple Music / The little typists / Walt Thisney / Vincent / Tholomé / Tribes of Europe / TJ Tomson / Tonylight / Dixie Treichel / Massimiliano Viel / Sally Walmsley / Hannah Woźniak / El Wud / Xelius / Angelina Yershova / Billy Yfantis
Mein Vater erzählt mir jeden Sonntag unsere neun Planeten è il nome di un progetto della Human Kind Records che colleziona, tramite bandi di concorso, lavori di musica e poesia sonora che hanno uno stretto legame con il tema dello spazio e dell’Universo. In alcune occasioni speciali, i lavori sono trasmessi durante delle performance radiofoniche temporanee.
Durante le 24 ore, uno spazio con una vetrina verrà trasformato in una navicella spaziale in cui un astronauta passerà un giorno immerso nel suono spaziale e, alla guida della radio, trasmetterà i lavori nell’etere e su web.
L’astronauta “viaggerà” per 24 ore attraverso il Sistema Solare partendo dal Sole raggiungendo Plutone. Sulla sua via, incontrerà oggetti e pianeti che attiveranno le opere sonore raccolte durante la “call”. La durata totale del viaggio è di 5.906.376.272 km corrispondente a 4.101.650 km per ogni minuto di trasmissione. Il pubblico potrà accedere alla navicella liberamente in qualsiasi ora per ascoltare il viaggio insieme a lui. Possono dargli da mangiare, mandargli lettere e cartoline, giocare a scacchi e aiutarlo a passare il tempo in cui si sente solo.
Powered in collaboration with Cose Cosmiche & V XX Zweetz
Sustained by ProHelvetia | SRKS/FSRC
Human Kind Records is a Swiss record label which focuses on the two human miracles of music and poetry, which best express who we are and what makes us beautiful. Music and poetry give us the possibility to delve down deep into things we have difficulty in understanding and help us comprehend the world from other perspectives. We aim to amplify these perspectives through the sounds and words of highly talented poetic
La Fondazione Arthur Cravan, è ispirata al performer dadaista A. Cravan ed ha l’obbiettivo di supportare, produrre e promuovere idee e progetti considerati ‘Irrealizzabili’, ‘non convenzionali’ e ‘Senza Futuro’.
COSE COSMICHE è una piattaforma di ricerca, produzione e collisione di idee in cui artisti, scienziati e ricercatori provenienti da varie discipline sono invitati a presentare le loro ricerche più recenti. Le arti e le scienze hanno utilizzato i concetti di spazio, tempo, energia, vuoto per definire l’universo in cui viviamo e proporre sempre nuove forme, idee e teorie per rappresentare e spiegare il mondo. COSE COSMICHE è a cura di Helga Franza e Silvia Hell.
Sound creations inspired by the Universe
24 hour live radio performance of sound, poetry and radio works inspired by the Universe.
Performed by Alan Alpenfelt
Powered in collaboration with Cose Cosmiche & V XX Zweetz
Start: 4 PM, Sunday 16th December 2018 (Astro Dance Party: 6.30 – 7.00 PM)
End: 4 PM, Monday 17th December 2018
Human Kind Records and performance and theatre company V XX ZWEETZ invited poets, sound artists and musicians to send sound works inspired by the Universe for a 24h radio broadcast. The works will be broadcast during a 24 hour radio performance starting at 4pm on the 16th of December and ending at 4pm on the 17th of December 2018 in Milan, Italy at Fondazione Arthur Cravan and curated by Cose Cosmiche. During the 24 hours, a small shop will be transformed into a spacecraft and an astronaut will live in it for 24 hours immersed and listening to sounds of the universe. The astronaut will travel through the Solar System encountering various celestial objects, moons and planets which will each spark the different sound works. All the materials will be collected in The Space Archive a website containing a growing archive of compositions by artists freely connected to the broad concept of space.
Participants artists
Tomomi Adachi / Alan Alpenfelt / Giuliana Altamura / Alvax / Ashtoreth & Anja Aerts / Sofía Bertomeu / Vanni Bianconi / Bluenoid / Brandon Boan / Pamela Breda / Dario Buccini / Canary Burton & Marylou Blakeslee / Joan Cambon / Catenation / Claudio Cavalli / Gustavo Chab / Caroline Churchill / CLARA / Canaralien Collective / Athena Corcoran-Tadd / Marc Cosmic / DAGGER MOTH & Marc Ribot / Maroulita De Kol / Gert De Meester / Cláudio de Pina / Marco Dibeltulu / Hazal Döleneken / Abby Donovan / Dr Hanzo / Ducks! / Kaj Duncan David / Giorgio Dursi / Duty / Exotikdot / Jurgen Fonteijn / Chelidon Frame / Nicola Frattegiani / Zeno Gabaglio / Alessandro Gaffuri & Alice Diacono / Alessandro Gambato / Ghosts of Electricity / Ian Gibbins / Gigsta / Penelope Gkika / Mark Goodwin / Jared Green / Guili Guili Goulag / Stelios Hadjithomas / Ursula Häse / Werner Hasler / Juliana Herrero / Kathryn Hummel / Olga Kokcharova / Sara Korošec / Antoine Läng / Dominique LeGendre / Nicole L’Huillier & Daniela Catrineo / Lite Orchestra / LucidBLN / William Memotone / Stephanie Merchak / Alyssa Moxley / Necromishka / Guan Ng Chor / Oikoi / Moggy Ogara / Olga Palomaki / Claudio Parodi / David Alexander Parquier / Georgia Pazarloglou / Mario Pegoraro / Pic Nic Radio / Fred Poulet / prOphecy sun / Rodrigo Quintanilha / Andrew Reddy / George Ridgway / Francesca Ruberto / Pekka Sassi / Katharina Schmidt / SciFiSol / Hannah Silva / Anna Stereopoulou / Syrenomelia / Lorenzo Tamai / Tavishi / Temple Music / The little typists / Walt Thisney / Vincent / Tholomé / Tribes of Europe / TJ Tomson / Tonylight / Dixie Treichel / Massimiliano Viel / Sally Walmsley / Hannah Woźniak / El Wud / Xelius / Angelina Yershova / Billy Yfantis
Mein Vater erzählt mir jeden Sonntag unsere neun Planeten is a new website by Human Kind Records opening in 2019 containing a growing sound archive / phonotech of works inspired by space. It collects, through open calls, music and sound poetry by international artists freely connected to the broad concept of the Universe. The works are broadcast during a temporary site-specific radio performance. For the duration of 24 hours, from Sunday 16th December at 4pm, a room with a window looking upon Via Alerdi 11 in Milan is transformed into an FM and web radio station in the form of a small “spacecraft”. Inside, an astronaut will command the broadcast, transmitting and listening to the collected sounds of the universe. The astronaut believes that peaceful places on Earth barely exist anymore and have been exhaustively explored, as have metaphysical ones. So he chooses Outer Space where he can freely listen and perceive himself immersed inside infinity. While drifting, he shares with us the sounds he encounters. At times, the astronaut might feel alone. To help him, passers-by can enter his spacecraft at any time and listen together to the sounds of the journey. If they feel inspired, they may feed him if they wish, send him letters and postcards, play chess and help him pass the time when he feels lost.
Powered in collaboration with Cose Cosmiche & V XX Zweetz
Sustained by ProHelvetia | SRKS/FSRC
Human Kind Records is a Swiss record label which focuses on the two human miracles of music and poetry, which best express who we are and what makes us beautiful. Music and poetry give us the possibility to delve down deep into things we have difficulty in understanding and help us comprehend the world from other perspectives. We aim to amplify these perspectives through the sounds and words of highly talented poetic
COSE COSMICHE is a catalyst/platform for artists, scientists and researchers from various disciplines interested in reflecting and exchanging views on space, time, energy and matter. Cose Cosmiche is curated by Helga Franza and Silvia Hell. ,
Arthur Cravan Foundation, inspired by the Dadaist performer A. Cravan, is dedicated to supporting, producing, and promoting projects and ideas deemed to be “unrealizable,” “non-conventional” and “No Future”.
24h Radio broadcast performance 16 – 17 December 2018 – Photo by Matteo Castellani, Helga Franza, Silvia Hell