Open Call on Senselessness – Senseless conversation room- Hotel Belgrade @ Art Weekend Belgrade

Dato che il mondo prende una piega delirante, dobbiamo adottare una piega delirante. J. Baudrillard

I calcolatori non riescono ancora ad ‘afferrare il senso’ di ciò che si dice, a differenza delle persone. Bisogna dirgli cosa fare passo per passo, nei minimi dettagli. Forse un giorno avremo macchine in grado di gestire descrizioni approssimative, ma nel frattempo dobbiamo essere estremamente pignoli nel dire a un computer cosa fare. R. P. Feynman

Art Weekend Belgrade – Hotel Belgrade
20-29 Ottobre 2021

Program and Photo>

Cosa? Incontri attorno al tavolino traballante

Dove? Stanza delle Conversazioni Insensate, Hotel Belgrade durante la Art Weekend Belgrade

Hai da condividere un tuo punto di vista considerato insensato? Un’immagine, una citazione, un gesto o un attitudine, una teoria scientifica, una dichiarazione programmatica?
Invia il tuo materiale a e ne parleremo attorno ad un ‘tavolino traballante’ nella Stanza delle Conversazioni Insensate dell’Hotel Belgrade in occasione di Art Weekend Belgrade. Il tavolino sarà tenuto fermo dal pamphlet di Cose Cosmiche ‘Report on Senselessness’ appena pubblicato dalla AAAAA PPPPPP Publishing.



Since the world adopts a delusional course, we must adopt a delusional course. J. Baudrillard

Computers still can’t ‘grasp the meaning’ of what is said, unlike people. You have to tell them what to do step by step, down to the smallest detail. Maybe someday we will have machines that can handle rough descriptions, but in the meantime we have to be extremely fussy about telling a computer what to do. R. P. Feynman

Art Weekend Belgrade – Hotel Belgrade
20-29 October 2021

Program and Photo>

What: Wobbly table meetings

Where: Senseless conversation room, Hotel Belgrade during Art Weekend Belgrade

Do you have a senseless point of you view to share? A quote, a though, a gesture, an attitude, an image, a science theory, a statement? Email it to and we can talk in the Senseless Conversation Room at our wobbly table in Hotel Belgrade during Art Weekend Belgrade. The table will be fixed with the Report on Senselessness, Cose Cosmiche’s new pamphlet printed by AAAAA PPPPPP Publishing.


Art weekend Belgrade is a nine-day manifestation initiated by KC Grad with an aim of promoting and developing the local contemporary art scene, to present local artist’s works to the wider audience, as well as to enable meeting and collaboration with foreign curators. Besides the main exhibition which will be held in Hotel Belgrade (20-29th of October) and will feature various art forms, from painting, drawing, sculpture to performance, video, audio and light installations, the program will also consist of an accompanying program which will be located at various locations in the city (20-24th of October).

Hotel Belgrade” exhibition, as a part of the Art Weekend Belgrade manifestation, will showcase more than 50 individual artists and artistic groups in the 68 rooms of Hotel Belgrade. The fact that the hotel’s title contains the city name in it and it being an old, abandoned space with more than 60 unused rooms which can be used as exhibition spaces, made the AWB team certain that this was the perfect space for the development of their idea. The exhibition will be curated by An Paenhuysen, a Berlin-based curator.

Hotel Belgrade’s program will include guest appearances by local and foreign professionals within the field of contemporary art, talks and presentations.

COSE COSMICHE is a catalyst/platform for artists, scientists and researchers from various disciplines interested in reflecting and exchanging views on space, time, energy and matter. Cose Cosmiche is curated by Helga Franza and Silvia Hell and supported by Arthur Cravan Foundation. ,



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